our vision is To make cancer care accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Hurone AI is accelerating global access to precision cancer care and transforming global oncology through the power of artificial intelligence. 

We empower oncologists in care delivery to improve patient outcomes, and provide pharma companies and CROs with real-world data and AI solutions to support clinical trials in order to make cancer care accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Our Impact and Potential


We have partnered with 3 major centers in Nigeria, Kenya and Rwanda who will use our solutions to serve their 10,000+ patients.


Gukiza, our software, reduced off-duty oncology calls by approximately 60% for cancer care teams in our partner sites.


Our software is optimized, in strict compliance with data privacy laws, to gather anonymized data from thousands of underrepresented patients to support the clinical trial process.


Majority of our patients fully engage with our software and find it helpful in saving time and getting easier access to treatment.


Oncologists saved more than 75% of the time traditionally required to handle specific care responsibilities by using our AI solutions.


The global oncology software market is projected to reach $11 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 7.8% from 2022 to 2027.







We're collaborating With


We’re recognized as a leader in AI for Healthcare

Floria Nyandaya

Research Fellow | Program Manager, Hurone AI

Floria Nyandaya is a physician-scientist dedicated to tackling health disparities in non-communicable diseases(NCDs) amidst Africa’s epidemiological transition. 

With a diverse background in primary clinical practice, healthcare management, infectious disease surveillance and NCD research, she has recently expanded her focus to digital health technologies. As a recipient of the Cardiometabolic Research Fellowship and the Thomas Francis Jr. Global Health Fellowship in her MPH program, Floria gained hands-on global health experience in the U.S., Nigeria, and Kenya. 

Her research endeavors have been multifaceted, from advancing women’s cardiovascular health to exploring the utility of artificial intelligence in enhancing renal and cancer care and addressing diversity gaps in clinical trial research. Continuously driven by her passion for making a tangible difference, Floria remains dedicated to improving the health and well-being of underserved populations.

Marko Stanojević

Engineering Product Manager, Hurone AI

Marko is the Engineering Product Manager at Hurone AI. He has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the Belgrade Institute of Technology. His expertise in software engineering and product development plays a key role in Hurone AI’s success.

Marko’s ability to bridge technology and user experience has been vital in driving the launch of Hurone AI’s innovative products. His collaborative approach and adaptability ensure that the company’s solutions meet the highest standards.

Outside of work, Marko is passionate about technology and stays updated on the latest industry trends. His commitment to continuous learning makes him an invaluable asset to the Hurone AI team.